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Interactive multicenter. A student project of a mediatheque in Krakow

26 of September '22

A {tag:studenci} from the Cracow University of Technology has an idea for a mediatheque in Cracow, which could be built on a plot of land on Pawia Street. The student's proposed building is an interactive multicenter where users can not only spend time studying, but also meeting friends at a cafe, entertainment, or cultural events.

The work presented here was created as part of the Architectural and Urban Design class for the 6th semester of the 2022 course under the direction of Dr. Bartosz Dendura.

The proposed facility is an interactive multicenter that supports learning through differentiated access to knowledge. The facility is aimed at all age groups, with particular emphasis on the younger generation.

Today, new technologies and media culture play an important role in the lives of young people, so it is important for a 21st century library to offer services in all modern formats. Creative space management, media diversity and multifunctionality are the main features of my mediatheque," says the author.

Projekt mediateki w Krakowie, zagospodarowanie terenu

Project of a mediatheque in Krakow, development of the area

© Dziyana Matsiashuk

Multicenter in Krakow

A plot of land located in the center of Krakow, within Pawia and Kurniki Streets, was chosen as the location for the mediatheque. Currently, the site is used as a parking lot next to two residential buildings, located across from Galeria Krakowska and on the northern side the site borders an undeveloped plot. The Krakow University of Technology and the Academy of Fine Arts are also located near the plot covered by the study.

Projekt mediateki w Krakowie

The design of the mediatheque in Krakow is characterized by its distinctive sheet metal facade

© Dziyana Matsiashuk

The lump and shape of the building are the result of the student's sunlight analysis, while at the same time using the maximum possible area of the plot. The southern part of the mass was lowered so as not to shade the neighboring buildings, and on the eastern side
The height was adjusted to the Mercury Hotel and the Bank Polski building. However, in order not to limit access to the building located on the west side of the plot, a passage has been placed at ground level, which also leads to a newly designed courtyard with greenery and seating areas. The entrance area of the building has been accentuated by cutting out part of the block on the eastern side.

Projekt mediateki w Krakowie, schemat, przekrój A-A

scheme of formation and cross-section A-A

© Dziyana Matsiashuk

cafe, bookstore and reading room

The building's entrances are oriented towards a central, representative lobby, connected to a public cafe. A bookstore is located in the northeast corner of the first floor. The -1 floor is occupied by a conference room with a foyer, enabling the organization of cultural events, film screening and meetings with writers, for example. The lowest floor is devoted entirely to the technical zone. The upper floors are occupied by the book zone, functioning as open space.

The arrangement of the media library's zones stems from the desire to create an open and bright space, including places for individual and group work. On the second floor there is a reading room with open access to the collection, a reading room with a children's book collection and lending library, and a group work room. The reading room is also located on the next floor, along with an area of multimedia computer workstations. In the northeast corner is the administrative area.

Projekt mediateki w Krakowie, rzuty

level plans

© Dziyana Matsiashuk

friendly space

To encourage users to move around the media center, I decided to enrich the interior with a variety of seating options. Well, next to the main staircase leading to the third floor, I designed multi-level seating, reminiscent of a stadium. Comfortable stairs with cushions surrounded on one side by built-in book shelves, create an ideal corner for reading your favorite book or working on your laptop, Dziyana adds.

The third floor of the mediatheque offers users a book collection and work space, equipped with mobile bookcases to facilitate interior division. A broken staircase leads to the mezzanine, where one can also spend time with a book or relax while looking at the open sky. Above the mezzanine stretches a huge roof glazing, a source of natural light.

Projekt mediateki w Krakowie, wnętrze

design of the mediatheque in Cracow, interior

© Dziyana Matsiashuk

Wavy façade and play of light

One of the main goals of the project was to create an open building that blends with its surroundings. Therefore, I chose glass and perforated metal as the main facade materials. The fully glazed top floor visually reduces the building and creates the impression that the mass is melting into the sky," explains the student.

Aluminum perforated sheet metal in white color is the main material covering the mediatheque. It is characterized by high strength and weather resistance. In addition, it lets light into the interior, creating interesting visual effects, while maintaining the intimate character of the interiors. What's more, systems of folding window covers have been installed on the facade, with which users can control the amount of light coming in. They are operated by buttons available in the reading area of the mediatheque. According to the designer, the wavy façade and movable covers give the building lightness and dynamism, and give it a contemporary feel.

Projekt mediateki w Krakowie, elewacje

design of the mediatheque in Cracow, elevations

© Dziyana Matsiashuk

"third place", or public space

While working on the concept of the mediatheque, I used the ideas of American sociologist Ray Oldenburg, who said that people's lives revolve around three areas: home, work and the "third place." For him, the "third place" is the public space where people regularly, voluntarily, informally host themselves, remaining outside the spheres of work and home. It is a freely accessible place where we can spend our leisure time and take a break from our daily routine. Such a "third place" could also be a properly designed media room. I tried to create a place not only for learning, but also one where one can drink coffee, talk to friends, play games or spend time on the Internet in between classes," Dziyana Matsiashuk concludes.


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