Sports centers by Ola Kloc

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Sports centers by Ola Kloc

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Architecture of sports centers

The space of sports centers is no longer reserved only for professional athletes. In their design, monofunctional assumptions are being abandoned. Instead, designers, responding to user demand, are thinking more broadly. Multifunctionality and ecology are important.

modern architecture of sports facilities

In recent years, sports have become popular not only among those interested in sports. As lifestyles change and the demand for active leisure offerings increases, more and more facilities are being built, such as multipurpose sports halls, which also serve people just beginning their adventure with sports. Center for culture and sports StreetMecca, in the city of Viborg, in Denmark, is additionally designed to integrate local youth, offering a base for a range of non-standard activities that users organize on their own, such as street sports and climbing. The standardization and dimensional precision of the space gives the sports architecture a certain transcultural character and serves the purpose of integration well. As envisioned in the design of the Ring of hope in Chicago, a sports center, by integrating the local community or activating the unemployed, can help solve many of today's urban environmental problems.

alternative recreation space

Sports centers are spaces that provide a break from everyday life, they are meeting places and active recreation that create spaces for healthy competition. The ethics of sports can be directly translated into the aesthetics of sports facilities, creating beautiful functionality. These are places designed ergonomically, ecologically and embedded in the context - natural, built and the social one. The non-interfering marina of the Center for Water and Ice Sports at Lake Ukiel in Olsztyn is unobtrusively integrated into the landscape. The design makes use of green roofs so that the volume of the sailing center appears to be a natural extension of the hill, and the layout of paths throughout the site is linked to the development.

Rocznik 1988. Studiowała Historię Sztuki, Architekturę i Urbanistykę, a także odbyła staż w fundacji DOCOMOMO Ibérico w Barcelonie i ukończyła kurs w muzeum Wiktorii i Alberta w Londynie. Na portalu A&B opiekuje się cyklicznymi publikacjami z serii „10 pytań do…” i „Przerwa na kawę” oraz materiałami poświęconymi architekturze i wydarzeniom. W wolnych chwilach czyta kryminały, kaligrafuje, jeździ po świecie i cóż… ogląda seriale na Netflixie.