Reconstruction by Dobrawa Bies

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Reconstruction by Dobrawa Bies

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Reconstruction in the framework of revitalization

Reconstruction is a special type of construction, when a new building is built in the place of an existing building that has been completely or partially destroyed. To be able to talk about reconstruction, it is crucial to use the structural elements of the existing building.

How to breathe new life into a degraded part of the city?

Reconstruction can be a response to the gradual degradation of a space or a violent transformation, such as war or disaster. Revitalization of degraded areas within cities is crucial not only in the aesthetic dimension - it helps improve communication connectivity, increases the value of revitalized areas, initiates entrepreneurship, prevents social pathologies and makes use of the valuable, because ever-declining, spatial resources of cities. A city is a networked creation and unused space creates disturbances in the functioning of the entire system. The reconstruction of entire cities such as Warsaw or Skopje are total and tragically unique examples. On the other hand, much can be learned from them. Punctuated urban interventions happen much more often and are a regular part of making sure the city is sustainable.

revitalization through nature

Occupied cities taken over by nature create romantic landscapes like the ivy-covered fishing village on China's Shengshan Island. Such urban landscapes can also be designed. The revival and development of a concrete flyover in downtown Seoul by means of a controlled flourishing and proliferation of nature in the center, was developed by architects from MVRDV in the Skygarden project. City authorities considered demolishing the structure, but ultimately decided to renovate the flyover. Greenery in large cities not only plays an ecological role, but has a significant impact on the health of residents. The architects decided to provide them with contact with nature, its variability with the seasons and over the years. At night, meanwhile, the park gains a new face thanks to blue light illumination, distinguishing the flyover from the city.

Dobrawa Bies (ur. 1988) w A&B odpowiedzialna za Strefę uczelni, studenta i bibliotekę BIM. Ukończyła Edukację Artystyczną na krakowskiej ASP, kilka lat spędziła w Amsterdamie na rezydencji artystycznej. Oprócz pisania, tworzy sztukę wszelaką, audiodeskrypcje, jeździ na rowerze, słucha hard rocka i opery.