Architecture of pleasure by Basia Hyjek

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Architecture of pleasure by Basia Hyjek

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Architecture of pleasure

This is a weekly series that presents the most interesting places for a weekend getaway or longer vacation. These will be not only beautiful surroundings, but especially interesting architecture. The hosts will reveal to readers the secrets of the creation of the houses to which they invite guests.

Among the proposals will appear old houses full of secrets and even treasures hidden under the kitchen floor, unique interior finishes by local craftsmen or modern concrete structures standing in the heart of the forest. There is something for everyone! Pleasures in life can be many - architecture is one of them.

(ur. 1991) redaktorka portalu A&B. Ukończyła polonistykę antropologicznokulturową na UJ. Pół roku spędziła na studiach w Paryżu. W wolnym czasie gotuje, je, czyta i spędza czas z chihuahuą Melanią.