Alternatives by wiercinski-studio

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Alternatives by wiercinski-studio

Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Residential alternative architecture

Residential alternative architecture are unique projects that do not fit into the framework of standard subdivisions. Whether it is an urban farm or cloister, residential alternative architecture are bold visions and assumptions that escape normative categories. Full of diversity and unconventional solutions ways of living.

unconventional homes that connect with nature

Designers who see buildings as elements of a larger ecosystem use natural materials for their construction, both structural and finishing. One unusual, eco-friendly facade material in construction is cork. Its innovative use in Home of cork, architects argue for the durability, ecology and lightness of the raw material. The material is a byproduct created during the fabrication of bottle cork - the waste in granular form creates a durable and resistant material, with high thermal insulation. In addition to the obvious connections between architecture and nature, in the form of materials used, one can also look for the less explicit ones - like ensuring urban food security. The urban farm Farmhouse by Precht studio attempts to bring food production, lost from sight, back to cities, and specifically residential buildings. Construction and agriculture are the most polluting industries. Why not combine them, minimizing their negative impact?

community design

Designing collective housing facilities, it is important to thoughtfully address the issue of integrating residents. An unusual answer has been found by a group of homeless people from Jaworzno, who, inspired by Hundertwasser's work, plan to create a place for themselves that they could call home. By involving future users in the construction process and the fact that every element of the facade passes through their hands first, an incredible bond with the place is created right from the construction stage. Another idea is to try to find an intimate scale and homey atmosphere in a facility designed for a group of 360 students at Warsaw University in Służewiec. The The dormitory, planned on a cross-shaped plan, blends into the greenery of the plot, creating in its center, a meeting place for students, and between the wings intimate courtyards for recreation.

  • pracownia architektoniczno-projektowa prowadzona przez Adama Wiercińskiego,
  • projektujemy w różnych skalach, od budynków po wnętrza i meble,
  • w naszych projektach tworzymy nie tylko przestrzeń i funkcję, ale również pojedyncze serie wyposażenia takie jak meble, oświetlenie i detale, które wpływają na unikatowy i indywidualny charakter miejsca,
  • unikamy powtarzalnych i gotowych rozwiązań,
  • detale są dla nas bardzo istotne,
  • tak samo ważne jest dla nas to, co projektujemy jak to, czego nie projektujemy,
  • studio mieści się w Poznaniu.