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When the right to housing becomes a product

10 of June '21

The exhibition "Settlement Product" will talk about the production of residential space and developer-architectural tricks . Opening on June 11.

The installation "Produkt osiedle" will be on view at Kraków's Ogniwo Cooperative from this Friday. Originally prepared for the 2016 Warsaw Under Construction festival, it was part of a larger exhibition titled "Finally in our own home. The Polish home in transformation". The Krakow show is organized by "Autoportret" magazine and the Malopolska Institute of Culture in Krakow, and the show is linked to the release of a quarterly magazine devoted to "The housing issue after '89."

pathfinder strategies

bliska wola

photo by Kacper Kepinski

The investments presented in advertisements, at real estate fairs and on websites are finished and consistent housing products. Descriptions mention the advantages of location, history, size and quality of planned green areas, spaciousness of the development and bright apartments in modern designed buildings. The mock-ups and visualizations are a posing staffage - happy and active residents, lush greenery, expensive cars, balloons, birds, pianos and all-around sunshine. However, none of these things are bought as a package with the apartment. In fact, developers use imitation. Seemingly green space and dummy fine materials, non-functional apartment layouts, dark alleys and underexposed rooms. What really matters is the PUM - that is, the usable living area. Everything else is just a costume that allows to hide how the developer together with the architects used the maximum possibilities of the plot, often creatively and against the intentions of the authors, interpreting the provisions of planning documents and construction standards. Hence, contemporary residential architecture is often referred to as "pumism" and the process of its creation as "PUM squeezing."

mockups and infographics


photo by Kacper Kepinski

The exhibition will feature mock-ups and graphics showing the ways in which developers maximize profit with the help of architects. The presentation is intended to raise questions about the quality of life and living in new buildings and encourage discussion about the value of residential architecture.

The show accompanies the issue of "Self-Portrait" "The housing issue after '89" and is co-financed by the International Visegrad Fund as part of the project Housing problem in Central Europe after the transition of 1989.

produkt osiedle

Exhibition Product Estate

Author: Kacper Kępiński
Venue: Spółdzielnia Ogniwo, 11a Smolki St. in Kraków.
Organizers: the quarterly "Autoportret. Magazine about good space" and Malopolski Instytut Kultury in Krakow
vernissage: 11.06.2021 (Friday), 6.30 pm

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