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Lex developer. Will the WWAA project block be built in Mordor?

27 of April '22

In Służewiec Przemysłowy, at 4 Postępu Street, Yareal is planning to build a housing development designed by the WWAA studio, based on the provisions of the housing speculative law. The developer has begun the consultation procedure, as instructed by the Warsaw authorities.

Wizualizacja bloku

photo: Yareal press materials

First, residents will have their say on the project, which includes the planned residential development. After the stage of social dialogue, members of the City Urban Planning and Architectural Commission and the Office of Architecture and Spatial Planning will lean on the project. The final decision will be made by Warsaw councilors, who will vote on the project after the investor formally submits an application to the City of Warsaw. This is a special procedure, recommended by the Warsaw authorities - it is not an obligatory part of the investment process under the housing speculative law. However, as the examples of repeated changes to projects due to social and political resistance show - it is worth discussing a project before putting it to a vote. The investors of the Warsaw developments of the JEMS-designed housing estate in Saska Kępa or the BBGK project quarter in Mordor were forced to make changes - even despite the support of the city authorities, backing the investors' ideas.

again on mordor

Wizualizacja terenów zielonych

photo: Yareal press materials

The investment planned by Yareal is another construction based on the provisions of the special law, to take place in Warsaw's Mordor, so far dominated by office functions. The block is to be built on a plotnext to an award-winning office and hotel complex by JEMS architects. The development was designed by Warsaw-based studio WWAA. The development on Postępu Street will include a residential building designed on a C-shaped square plan with an internal green courtyard creating a semi-public space for residents. The building with its tallest, 8-9-story part forms the frontage of Postępu Street, then descending into the plot and forming a lower part with a height of 4-6 stories on the side of the existing housing estates and green areas. On the eastern side of the building there will be a publicly accessible green area complementing the linear park that is being formed(Suwak Park).

In compensation for the renovation of the school

As compensation for the construction in contravention of the local law (development plans), the investor declares to allocate funds for the modernization of one of the nearby educational institutions. Work is to be carried out to, among other things, raise the standard of the facility, acquire space for classrooms, which will enable the creation of additional places for new students, improve the technical parameters of the building (including thermal insulation, waterproofing, replacement of the electrical system), reduce the building's operating costs.

public consultations

Plan zagospodarowania działki

photo: Yareal press materials

The developer has begun discussions with residents about the shape of the development. This is in accordance with the instruction of the Mayor of the City of Warsaw, which deals with the rules for conducting dialogue about the investment in the case of applications for the location of investments under the housing speculative law (i.e. the so-called developer's lex). The project involves the construction of a residential block with retail and service units, an inner courtyard and a public green area. The next meeting will be held on April 27, 2022 (Wednesday) at 5:30 pm at the Vienna House Hotel building at 4 Postępu St. For more information, visit Yareal's website.

Kacper Kępiński

The vote has already been cast