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How to live together while being apart? Contest results

04 of June '20

We know the results of the design competition entitled. "(pro) social distancing" organized by the student Habitat NOW Scientific Circle, operating at the Faculty of Architecture of Wroclaw University of Technology. The submitted works concerned designs for safe public space and ways to spend time together in the age of pandemonium. The Grand Prize and honorable mentions were awarded, as well as the audience prize. Congratulations!

The ideas submitted to the competition were an attempt to find a solution to the problem of reduced social contact, searching for the golden mean between safety and the need to maintain human ties. The main task of the competition was to provide physical distance while breaking social distance. The submitted works took any form depending on the ingenuity of the author.

prizes distributed

From among the submitted works, the jury consisting of Dr. Anna Berbesz from the Wroclaw University of Technology, Jerzy Adamiczka, Bartosz Adamiczka and Tomasz Broma from the ADAMICZKA.BROMA studio awarded the Main Prize, an honorable mention and an honorable mention.

Main Prize

Samuel Kostecki, project entitled. "Game Sanctuary"

Nagroda gówna, Samuel Kostecki

A pavilion designed for safe playing of board games

© Samuel Kostecki

The competition was won by the work titled. "Game Sanctuary" by Samuel Kostecki. The jury awarded the project for its skillful multisensory shortening of distance while maintaining isolation in times of pandemic, and for the high graphic level of the work.

As the justification reads:

The work captivates with its exceptionally simple yet ingenious treatment of proximity and contact while maintaining full separation - by means of a thoughtful juxtaposition of ephemeral on the one hand and exceptionally concrete barriers on the other (the glass, which is also a medium for contact). The author created a structure that encourages proximity and integration while maintaining the principles of social distance. The composition of functional invisible partitions not only does not limit the relationship between users, but allows surprising interactions (for example, the simultaneous possibility of touching the boards in the same places). In addition, the structure was designed with ergonomic principles in mind. The work stands out for its mature and unusual graphic character, as well as its multi-threaded play with conventions. Noteworthy is the presented way of searching for the concept, as well as the high level of idea schemes. The work escapes trends, and successive layers of meaning are revealed as one gradually delves deeper into the project.

honorable mention

Szymon Kicinski and Edyta Naworska, project entitled. "Coronadomes"

Wyróżnienie — „Koronadomki”

Multifunctional modules resembling small houses

© Szymon Kicinski, Edyta Naworska

SzymonKicinski and Edyta Naw orska created a project of multifunctional modules shaping public space.

The Competition Jury justifies its decision this way:

The solution proposed by them creates a multifunctional and transformable space, allowing the realization of the existing rich functional program of public spaces in times of social distance. The work creatively develops well-known and already implemented solutions, providing a sense of security and comfort through the use of tried and tested forms in uncertain, changing times. Noteworthy is the clear presentation of the proposed idea and the high aesthetic quality of the work.

honorable mention

Sylwia Ćwięczek, project entitled. "S0.ox"

Wyróżnienie Honorowe — „S0.ox”

virtual world the answer to the pandemic

© Sylwia Ćwięczek

The jury also decided to award an honorable mention to the work of Sylwia Ćwięczek, who depicted a dystopian world using virtual and augmented reality.

The work is a thoughtful and coherent concept of social relations in an age of isolation. It shows the trend of transferring everyday activities from public space to private space. It can provide a voice in the discussion, in the case of prolonged crisis situations, creating a world that not everyone may want to live in. Noteworthy is the design play on many levels based on a very simple element.

audience award

Iwona Golik, project entitled. "Proximity (at a distance)"

 Nagroda Publiczności — „Bliskość (na odległość)”

installation in the forest

© Iwona Golik

All projects submitted to the competition were also voted for by Internet users. The work by Iwona Golik received the most votes. "Proximity (at a distance)" is an installation project in the form of transparent tunnels in the forest, providing an opportunity to feel a connection with nature and another human being in a completely safe way.

We congratulate all participants, you can read more about the contest itself here, and you can see all the submitted works on the voting page.

compiled by: Dobrawa Bies

illustrations courtesy of the organizers

The vote has already been cast