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Overlooking sunrises and sunsets. MG house designed by Kruk Rasztawicki Architects.

21 of January '22
Technical data
Name: MG House
Investor: private
Location: Poland, West Pomeranian Voivodeship.
Studio: Kruk Rasztawicki Architekci
Authors: Oliwer Rasztawicki, Marek Kruk, Adrian Mania
Area: 200 m²
Project: 2021

In Western Pomerania, surrounded by forests and ponds, on a hilltop plot with a breathtaking view, architects from Kruk Rasztawicki Archite cts designed a house that will bring residents closer to the surrounding nature.

The podstawę of the house is formed by a concrete slab and steel supportspodstawę of the house is formed by a concrete slab and steel supportspodstawę of the house is formed by a concrete slab and steel supports

MG house

© Kruk Rasztawicki Architects

This closeness to the natural surroundings is to be ensured by the elongated, horizontal body of the one-story house. Planned on a rectangular plan 6 meters wide and 40 meters long, the building faces north and south with its longer sides. The narrow shape of the house, three terraces and large glazing not only illuminate the living area with natural light, but also allow the householders to admire both sunrises and sunsets.

makieta house on a slopemakieta house on a slopemakieta house on a slope

model of the house

© Kruk Rasztawicki Architects

Marek Kruk of Kruk Rasztawicki Architects talks about the challenges of building a house on a plot of land with a slope and ways to functionally arrange an elongated house.

Ola Kloc
: The main goal of the project, as you write, was to bring out the advantages of the surroundings and bring the residents closer to nature - through what measures do you think this will be achieved?

Marek Kruk: After visiting the plot, we immediately knew that the house must fit into the landscape - be as horizontal as possible, so that it becomes not a dominant feature, but a complement to the plot. Thanks to this assumption, all the functions were distributed on the first floor, and each of them has a large, opening glazing that allows you to admire the surrounding nature. In addition, we designed terraces on three sides of the building. This will allow you to be outdoors at any time of the day and catch the sun's rays from sunrise to sunset. The plot is surrounded by forest and is located on a slope with a beautiful view of the countryside. We wanted to make the most of these aspects.

The smukłe steel columns in daylight and at the right viewing angle will blend with the surroundingssmukłe steel columns in daylight and at the right viewing angle will blend with the surroundingssmukłe steel columns in daylight and at the right viewing angle will blend with the surroundings

slender steel columns in daylight and at the right viewing angle will blend with their surroundings

vision: DIG Group © Kruk Rasztawicki Architects

: The base of the house is formed by a concrete slab and steel supports, what structural challenges did you face in this project?

Marek: The unusual shape of the house is complemented by its base, which will be built on a concrete slab, and its southern part - due to the slope of the terrain - will stand on steel supports. We wanted to achieve the effect of lightness, while keeping in mind its appropriate thickness for structural reasons, without losing the proportions that are so important with every building we design. Hence the decision to base the house on the slimmest possible steel columns, which, with daylight and the right viewing angle, will practically blend with the surroundings. In the design we used as many natural materials as possible. The roof is covered with thatch, tan board will be used for the facade. Thanks to the small span of the house (about 6 meters), there were no complications with the structural layout.

The w project used natural materialsw project used natural materialsw project used natural materials

natural materials have been used in the project, the roof will be thatched, and a tanned board will be used for the elevation

vision: DIG Group © Kruk Rasztawicki Architects

: How to functionally arrange the interiors in a house with such an elongated shape?

Marek: Contrary to appearances, the elongated layout, which seems problematic at first glance, allows us to create a space arranged in a very logical and functional way. Immediately behind the garage and vestibule we located the guest room, which has direct access to the east terrace. Further on we placed a winter garden, so that the access to the living area is not just a boring, dark corridor. It illuminates the interior and gives a breath in the narrow space.



© Kruk Rasztawicki Architects

At the heart of the house is located the living area that connects the other functions of the building. The elongated shape also allowed the rooms to be evenly lit on both sides, allowing you to enjoy sunrises and sunsets without moving from the couch. At the end of the layout, there is the homeowners' enclave, the bedroom, which offers a beautiful view to the south. Thanks to the shape, it was possible to separate the private part of the owners - consisting of a bedroom, dressing room, bathroom and study from the guest part. Thus, both hosts and guests gain the needed intimacy.

The architekci designed terraces on three sides of the buildingarchitekci designed terraces on three sides of the buildingarchitekci designed terraces on three sides of the building

architects designed terraces on three sides of the building

vision: DIG Group © Kruk Rasztawicki Architects

: What are you most satisfied with in this project, and what was the biggest challenge for you?

Marek: The real challenge is to create a building whose massing will establish a dialogue with its surroundings - it will not dominate it, but at the same time it will not be completely lost in it. We think we have met this task. After many days spent analyzing various solutions and checking successive concepts, we have achieved a result that all of us, we and the investors, are satisfied with.

Ola: Thank you for the interview.

Ola Kloc

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